How To Create A Landing Page

20 min

Craft high-converting landing pages like a pro with our comprehensive guide. Learn essential techniques and best practices to capture leads and drive conversions effectively.

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In just a few seconds, potential customers will make an assessment about whether they want to invest in you based on how effective your landing page is. The competition in eCommerce is sky high, therefore creating a high converting landing page is critical for your online store. Understanding the characteristics of a good landing page, including clear copy, messaging consistency, and user-friendliness, is essential for online success. Whether you’re an entrepreneur launching a new product, a marketer aiming to generate leads, or a blogger seeking to grow your audience, understanding how to create an effective landing page is essential for achieving your goals.

Aiming for a great landing page can significantly elevate one's online presence by focusing on key components like clear and measurable goals and the ability to target different customer segments. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a landing page that not only grabs attention but also compels visitors to take action. From defining your objectives and understanding your audience to crafting compelling copy and optimising for search engines, we’ll cover everything you need to know to create landing pages that drive traffic and real results.

What Is A Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page specifically designed with a focused objective in mind, such as capturing leads, promoting a product or service, or encouraging visitors to take a particular action. Unlike other pages on a website, which may serve multiple functions and contain various elements, a landing page is streamlined and laser-targeted, with the sole aim of converting visitors into customers, subscribers, or leads. To facilitate the creation of such targeted pages, using drag and drop builder helps marketers and businesses efficiently craft effective landing pages without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

The term “landing page” often refers to the page where a visitor “lands” after clicking on a link from an advertisement, email, social media post, or search engine result. Its purpose is to guide visitors through a specific sales or marketing tool funnel, providing them with relevant information and persuasive elements to encourage them to take the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or filling out a contact form.


How Does the Landing Page Differ from the Home Page?

As we have already mentioned, landing pages are laser-focused web pages designed with a specific objective in mind, whether it's capturing leads, promoting a product, or driving conversions. Tailored to a particular audience segment or marketing campaign, landing pages feature concise content and messaging that directly addresses the visitor's needs and motivations. With a clean, minimalist layout and limited distractions and a hero image, landing pages guide visitors towards a primary call-to-action (CTA), optimising conversion rates by enticing potential customers.

On the other hand, homepages serve as the main entry point to a website, offering a broad overview of its content and offerings. Designed to appeal to a wide range of visitors with varying interests and goals, homepages feature comprehensive content and messaging. They may include introductory text, featured products or services, company information, and navigation options. With a more complex layout that incorporates multiple sections and navigation menus, homepages provide visitors with various pathways to explore the website's content. While they contribute to overall conversion goals, homepages may not be as tightly optimised for conversion tracking and testing as landing pages.

Importance of Landing Pages in Digital Marketing

Landing pages play a key role in digital marketing, serving as the cornerstone of successful online campaigns. Their importance cannot be overstated, because they are the bridge between your marketing efforts and your desired outcome, whether that’s generating leads, promoting a product, or driving conversions. Most landing pages follow a proven format and design elements, emphasizing the importance of adhering to best practices for UX design. Here are several reasons why landing pages are essential in digital marketing.

Focused Conversion Goals

Unlike the homepage or other pages on a website that may serve multiple purposes, landing pages are designed with a specific conversion goal in mind. By providing a focused message and clear call-to-action (CTA), landing pages guide visitors towards taking the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or downloading a resource. This focused approach increases the likelihood of conversion and helps marketers achieve their objectives more effectively. Utilising a landing page builder can significantly enhance this process, enabling the creation of high-converting landing pages that are optimised to turn visitors into customers confidently and quickly.

Improved User Experience

Landing pages are tailored to the needs and interests of a specific audience segment, providing them with relevant information and a seamless user experience. By eliminating distractions and presenting a cohesive message, landing pages make it easier for visitors to understand the value proposition and take action. A positive user experience not only increases the likelihood of conversion but also enhances brand perception and loyalty.

Measurable Results

One of the greatest advantages of landing pages is their ability to track and measure performance metrics accurately. By integrating analytics tools such as Google Analytics or tracking pixels, marketers can monitor key metrics such as conversion rate, click-through rate, bounce rate, and more. This data allows marketers to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize performance.

Targeted Advertising

Landing pages are often used in conjunction with online advertising campaigns to create targeted and personalised experiences for different audience segments. By aligning the content and messaging of the landing page with the ad creative, marketers can increase relevance and engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and a lower cost per acquisition. Additionally, landing pages allow for A/B testing of different ad variations and landing page designs to identify the most effective combinations.

Lead Generation and Nurturing

Landing pages are an effective tool for capturing leads and nurturing them through the sales funnel. By offering valuable incentives such as e-books, white papers, or free trials in exchange for contact information, marketers can build a database of qualified leads to follow up with later. Automated email sequences can then be used to nurture leads and move them closer to making a purchase decision, ultimately driving revenue for the business.

What Are the Different Types of Landing Pages?

Creating a new landing page tailored for specific marketing purposes is crucial. Customising your new landing page to match your branding and audience can significantly enhance its effectiveness in achieving your marketing goals. There are several different types of landing pages, each serving a specific purpose and catering to different stages of the buyer’s journey. Here are some of the most common types of landing pages:

Lead Generation Landing Page

Lead generation landing pages are designed to capture visitor information, typically in exchange for a valuable offer such as an e-book, webinar, or free trial. These pages feature a lead capture form where visitors can submit their contact details, allowing businesses to follow up with them later and nurture them through the sales funnel.

Click-Through Landing Page

Click-through landing pages are used to warm up prospects and encourage them to click through to another page, such as a product page or registration form. These pages provide additional information about the offer or product and include a clear call-to-action (CTA) prompting visitors to take the next step.

Sales Landing Page

Sales landing pages are focused on persuading visitors to make a purchase or sign up for a service. These pages typically include detailed product information, testimonials, pricing details, and a compelling CTA to drive conversions. Sales landing pages are often used in conjunction with promotional campaigns to maximize sales.

Product Launch Landing Page

Product launch landing pages are created to generate buzz and excitement around a new product or service. These pages tease the upcoming launch, highlight key features and benefits, and encourage visitors to sign up for early access or join a waitlist. Product launch landing pages are an effective way to build anticipation and collect leads before the official launch date.

Event Registration Landing Page

Event registration landing pages are designed to promote and facilitate registration for events such as webinars, workshops, conferences, or seminars. These pages provide details about the event, including date, time, location, agenda, speakers, and registration instructions. The goal is to encourage visitors to use the signup form and attend the event.

Thank You Landing Page

Thank you landing pages are displayed after a visitor completes a desired action, such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter. These pages typically express gratitude to the visitor for taking action and may provide additional information or next steps, such as downloading a resource or sharing the offer with friends.

Step One: Understanding the Purpose of Your Landing Page

Before diving into the design and creation process, it’s crucial to clearly define the purpose of your landing page. This involves answering fundamental questions about what you hope to achieve and who you’re trying to reach.

Defining Your Objective

The first step in creating a successful landing page is to define your objective. What specific action do you want visitors to take when they land on your page? Whether it’s capturing leads, promoting a product, or encouraging sign-ups, having a clear objective will guide the rest of the process and ensure that your landing page is focused and effective.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is essential for creating a landing page that resonates with them. Who are you trying to reach with your message? What are their demographics, interests, and pain points? By identifying your target audience, you can tailor your messaging and design to speak directly to their needs and motivations, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Setting SMART Goals

Once you’ve defined your objective and identified your target audience, it’s time to set SMART goals for your landing page. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. They provide a clear roadmap for success and help you track progress towards your objectives. Whether it’s increasing conversion rates by a certain percentage or generating a specific number of leads, setting SMART goals will keep you focused and accountable throughout the process.

Creating and tracking your own landing page, with a focus on a benefit-driven headline and the right landing page builder software, is crucial for aligning with your specific objectives and target audience.

Step Two: Planning Your Landing Page Content

Once you’ve defined the purpose and objectives of your landing page, it’s time to plan the content that will bring your vision to life. From persuasive copywriting to visually appealing design elements, every aspect of your landing page plays a crucial role in capturing visitors’ attention and driving them towards your desired action.

Crafting Compelling Copy

The copy on your landing page is your opportunity to communicate the value of your offer and persuade visitors to take action. Keep your messaging concise, clear, and benefit-driven, focusing on how your product or service solves the visitor’s problem or fulfils their needs. Use attention-grabbing headlines, persuasive subheadings, and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) to guide visitors through the conversion journey.

Designing for Conversion

Design is not just about aesthetics — it’s about guiding visitors towards the desired action. When designing your landing page, prioritise elements that enhance conversion rates, such as a prominent CTA button, strategically placed trust signals, and a logical flow that directs the visitor’s eye towards the most important content. Test different layouts, colors, and fonts to find the combination that resonates best with your audience and maximises conversions.

Choosing High-Quality Visuals

Visuals are a powerful tool for capturing attention and conveying information quickly. Use high-quality images, videos, and graphics that complement your messaging and reinforce your brand identity. Opt for a landing page design that incorporates visual content such as images and social proof to enhance the design and increase conversions. Choose visuals that are relevant to your offer and appeal to your target audience’s preferences. Avoid using stock photos that feel generic or out of place, and invest in custom visuals that reflect the uniqueness of your brand and offering.

Utilising a landing page template can significantly enhance efficiency and the overall effectiveness of your landing page by ensuring it matches your brand's visual identity, including colors, fonts, layout, and visuals. Landing page templates, offered by platforms like WordPress, Wix, HubSpot, Unbounce, and Leadpages, provide a variety of functional, mobile-responsive, and customisable options, allowing for swift creation of landing pages with confidence.

Keeping the Layout Clean and Clutter-Free

A cluttered layout can overwhelm visitors and distract them from your key message and call-to-action. Keep your landing page layout clean and organised, with ample white space to create a sense of balance and clarity. Prioritise the most important elements, such as your headline, value proposition, and CTA, and remove any unnecessary distractions that could detract from the user experience.

Utilising White Space Effectively

White space, also known as negative space, is the empty space between elements on your landing page. It’s a critical design element that helps guide the visitor’s eye and improve readability. Use white space strategically to create visual hierarchy, emphasise key content, and reduce cognitive load. By spacing out elements and allowing breathing room between sections, you can make your landing page feel more inviting and intuitive to navigate.

Ensuring Mobile Responsiveness

With an increasing number of users accessing the internet from mobile devices, it’s essential for your landing page to be optimised for mobile responsiveness. Ensure that your page layout adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations, and that all elements are easily clickable and legible on smaller screens. A mobile-responsive landing page not only improves the user experience but also helps maintain consistent branding and messaging across devices.

Step Three: Building Trust and Credibility

In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, trust is a currency that can make or break the success of your landing page. Building trust and credibility with your audience is essential for persuading visitors to take action and ultimately converting them into customers or leads. Here are two key strategies for establishing trust and credibility on your landing page:

Incorporating Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful psychological phenomenon that influences people's behavior by demonstrating that others have taken a desired action or experienced positive outcomes. Incorporating social proof on your landing page can help alleviate doubts and reassure visitors that they're making the right decision. This can take the form of customer testimonials, reviews, ratings, case studies, or user-generated content that highlight the experiences of satisfied customers. By showcasing real-life examples of success stories and endorsements from others, you can build credibility and trust with your audience and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Adding Trust Signals

Trust signals are visual cues or indicators that reassure visitors of your credibility and reliability. These signals serve to mitigate any concerns or skepticism that visitors may have and encourage them to trust your brand and take action. Common trust signals include security badges, certifications, awards, affiliations, and recognisable logos of trusted partners or clients. By prominently displaying these trust signals on your landing page, you demonstrate your commitment to transparency, integrity, and security, which can help build confidence and foster trust with your audience.

Incorporating social proof and trust signals into your landing page strategy can significantly enhance its effectiveness and credibility. By leveraging the power of social proof and providing tangible evidence of your trustworthiness, you can inspire confidence in your audience and increase conversions. Remember to continuously monitor and update your trust-building efforts to maintain relevance and effectiveness over time.

Step Four: Optimising the Landing Page for Search Engines

Search engine optimisation (SEO) plays a crucial role in driving organic traffic to your landing page. By optimising your page for relevant keywords and ensuring a seamless user experience, you can improve your visibility in search engine results and attract qualified visitors to your site. Here are three key strategies for optimising your landing page for search engines:

Conducting Keyword Research

Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. By identifying the terms and phrases that your target audience is searching for, you can optimize your landing page content to align with their search intent. Start by brainstorming relevant keywords related to your offer, then use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify additional keyword opportunities and assess their search volume and competitiveness. Focus on long-tail keywords that are specific to your niche and have lower competition but higher relevance to your audience.

Optimising Meta Tags and Headings

Meta tags, including the title tag and meta description, are HTML elements that provide information about your landing page to search engines and users. Optimising these tags with relevant keywords and compelling messaging can improve your click-through rate (CTR) and attract more visitors to your page. Ensure that your title tag accurately reflects the content of your page and includes your target keyword near the beginning. Craft a concise and persuasive meta description that entices users to click through to your page by highlighting the benefits of your offer. Additionally, optimize your headings (H1, H2, etc.) with relevant keywords to improve readability and SEO.

Improving Page Speed and Mobile Responsiveness

Page speed and mobile responsiveness are critical ranking factors that impact your landing page’s visibility in search engine results. Slow-loading pages and poor mobile experiences can lead to higher bounce rates and lower rankings, so it’s essential to optimize your page for speed and usability. Minimise server response times, enable browser caching, compress images, and reduce unnecessary scripts and code to improve page loading times. Ensure that your landing page is fully responsive and displays correctly on various devices and screen sizes, including smartphones and tablets. Test your page’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix and make necessary optimisations to enhance user experience and SEO. Additionally, customizing your landing page URL to be descriptive and keyword-rich can significantly enhance its SEO performance and recognition among your target audience.

Step Five: Creating Effective Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Call-to-actions (CTAs) are the driving force behind conversions on your landing page. They prompt visitors to take the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource. Crafting a persuasive call to action requires a combination of creative design, language, and strategic placement to maximize their effectiveness. Here's how to create CTAs that compel visitors to take action:

Designing Attention-Grabbing CTAs

The design of your CTA plays a crucial role in attracting visitors' attention and encouraging them to act. Make your CTAs visually appealing by using contrasting colors, bold fonts, and eye-catching graphics that stand out from the rest of the page. Use whitespace effectively to make the CTA button appear more prominent and clickable. Ensure that the CTA button is large enough to be easily clickable on both desktop and mobile devices, and consider adding subtle animations or hover effects to make it more engaging.

Using Persuasive Language

The language you use in your CTAs can have a significant impact on conversion rates. Use persuasive language that communicates the value of taking action and inspires urgency or excitement. Clearly articulate what visitors will gain by clicking on the CTA button and emphasise the benefits of your offer. Use action-oriented verbs such as "Buy Now," "Sign Up," "Download," or "Get Started" to prompt immediate action. Experiment with different wording and messaging to find the language that resonates best with your audience and drives the most conversions.

Placing CTAs Strategically on the Page

The placement of your CTAs can greatly influence their effectiveness in driving conversions. Strategically place CTAs throughout your landing page, ensuring that they are prominently displayed and easily accessible to visitors. Consider placing CTAs above the fold (visible without scrolling) to capture visitors' attention immediately upon arrival. Additionally, include CTAs at key decision points within your content, such as after highlighting key benefits or addressing common objections. Test different placements and configurations to identify the optimal placement strategy that maximises engagement and conversions.

Step Six: Testing

Testing is an essential component of optimising your landing page for maximum effectiveness. By conducting A/B tests, analyzing data and metrics, and making data-driven improvements, you can refine your landing page to enhance its performance and drive better results. Here's how to incorporate testing into your landing page strategy:

Conducting A/B Tests

A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two versions of your landing page (A and B) to determine which one performs better in achieving your desired goals. Test different elements such as headlines, CTAs, images, copy, layout, and colors to identify what resonates best with your audience and drives higher conversion rates. Make only one change at a time to isolate variables and accurately measure the impact of each change. Set clear hypotheses and success metrics for your tests, and ensure that you have a large enough sample size to draw statistically significant conclusions.

Analysing Data and Metrics

Analysing data and metrics is essential for understanding how visitors interact with your landing page and identifying areas for improvement. Track key metrics such as conversion rate, bounce rate, average time on page, and click-through rate using web analytics tools like Google Analytics. Pay attention to user behavior, such as where visitors are clicking, how far they scroll, and which elements they interact with most. Use heat-maps, scroll maps, and session recordings to gain deeper insights into user engagement and identify potential friction points or areas of interest.

Making Data-Driven Improvements

Based on the insights gathered from A/B tests and data analysis, make data-driven improvements to your landing page to optimise its performance. Implement changes that have been proven to increase conversions, such as adjusting the wording of your headlines, changing the color of your CTA buttons, or rearranging the layout of your page. Continuously iterate on your landing page, testing new hypotheses and making incremental improvements over time. Keep track of your experiments and results to build a repository of best practices and insights that inform future optimisation efforts.

By conducting A/B tests, analysing data and metrics, and making data-driven improvements, you can continuously refine your landing page to maximize its effectiveness and achieve your desired goals. Remember that optimisation is an ongoing process, and there's always room for improvement. Stay curious, test often, and let the data guide your decision-making to unlock the full potential of your landing page.


Choosing the right best landing page builder is crucial in creating killer landing pages, as it influences everything from user experience to conversion rates. To build landing pages that truly resonate with your audience, it's essential to leverage a landing page builder that offers ease of customisation, integration options, and even free landing options for those just starting out. Throughout this guide, we’ve delved into the critical steps required for crafting a landing page that not only captivates visitors but also drives tangible results. From defining your objectives and understanding your audience to building trust, optimising for search engines, crafting persuasive CTAs, and conducting rigorous testing, each step plays a pivotal role in the success of your landing page strategy. By adhering to these principles and continuously iterating based on data-driven insights, you can create landing pages that not only engage visitors but also convert them into loyal customers or leads. Remember, the journey doesn’t end once your landing page is live – ongoing monitoring, testing, and optimization are essential for maintaining peak performance and achieving sustained success in the competitive digital landscape.

If you’re not sure where to start, it might be worth discussing things further with a digital agency who specialises in both web design and marketing. And as always, Pixel’s door is always open. Simply get in touch and let us help you make landing pages.

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